24 Hours Eating ONLY at 7-ELEVEN in Tokyo Japan  100 Foods to Eat Before You Die


As a passionate traveler and photographer, I have had the opportunity to explore various cultures and cuisines around the world. One of the most exciting aspects of traveling for me is trying out different foods unique to each destination. In this blog post, I want to share with you my experience of tasting 100 must-try foods before you die. These foods come from various places and are not ranked in any particular order. So, let’s dive into the culinary journey together!

711 in Japan

Exploring the 711 convenience stores in Japan was a delightful experience. From sprouts to sushi, noodles to mint Co boil squid, the variety of foods available was astonishing. The range of options, including super low-calorie items like conj jelly and delicious treats like 7-Eleven pudding and matcha dessert, catered to every palate.

7-Eleven Premium Gold Label

The Premium Gold Label at 7-Eleven in Japan offers a selection of high-quality food products that exceeded expectations. From creamy pasta to frozen pizza, the flavors were authentic and satisfying. The margarita pizza, with its Neapolitan oven-like crust and fresh ingredients, was a standout, surpassing expectations for a frozen pizza.

Japanese Ramen Experience

The Japanese ramen culture is a culinary delight, even at convenience stores like 7-Eleven. The ready-to-eat ramen options, such as the fresh udon noodles and the Show You Ramen from the Premium Gold range, showcased the rich flavors and textures that make Japanese ramen so beloved worldwide.

7-Eleven Savory Delights

The savory dishes at 7-Eleven in Japan were a pleasant surprise, with options like beef stew, egg sandwiches, and mabo tofu. The quality of ingredients and the depth of flavors in dishes like the beef stew and mabo tofu demonstrated the culinary expertise even in convenience store offerings.

Exploring Desserts at 7-Eleven

Desserts at 7-Eleven in Japan were a sweet conclusion to the culinary journey. From pumpkin cream cake to coffee jelly, the seasonal offerings and classic treats provided a delightful end to the meal. The creamy textures and balanced flavors made each dessert a perfect way to cap off a satisfying dining experience.

Breakfast Delights and Final Thoughts

Starting the day with a breakfast of skem and salt-grilled mackerel showcased the versatility and quality of microwavable meals in Japan. The attention to detail in preparing these dishes, from the tender chashu to the rich dipping sauce, highlighted the care and flavor complexity found even in convenience store breakfast options.

In conclusion, the culinary adventure through 7-Eleven in Japan was a testament to the country’s food culture and the dedication to quality and taste found in every dish. Whether enjoying a savory meal or indulging in a sweet treat, the variety and excellence of the offerings made each bite a memorable experience.

Related Questions

1. What makes the 7-Eleven convenience stores in Japan stand out in terms of food offerings?

The 7-Eleven stores in Japan offer a diverse range of high-quality and delicious food options, including fresh ingredients and unique flavors that cater to various preferences.

2. How does the Premium Gold Label at 7-Eleven in Japan elevate the dining experience?

The Premium Gold Label at 7-Eleven in Japan provides customers with premium-quality food products that exceed expectations in terms of authenticity, flavor, and overall dining experience.

3. What sets Japanese ramen apart, even when enjoyed at convenience stores like 7-Eleven?

Japanese ramen, known for its rich flavors and textures, remains a culinary delight even when available at convenience stores like 7-Eleven, showcasing the depth of Japanese food culture.

4. How do desserts at 7-Eleven in Japan contribute to a satisfying meal experience?

The desserts at 7-Eleven in Japan, such as pumpkin cream cake and coffee jelly, offer a sweet and balanced conclusion to a meal, highlighting the attention to detail and quality in every bite.

5. What makes breakfast options at 7-Eleven in Japan a delightful start to the day?

Breakfast options at 7-Eleven in Japan, like skem and salt-grilled mackerel, showcase the versatility and quality of microwavable meals, providing a flavorful and satisfying way to begin the day.

By Sidney