Day 87  Hiking Into Palmerton PA  Appalachian Trail Thru Hike 2021


Good morning, everyone! Today, I am embarking on a solo hiking adventure after being with a group for what feels like a month. I am looking forward to the solitude and the beauty of the trail. Join me as I share my thoughts and experiences along the way.

Enjoying Solitude on the Trail

I am setting out on the trail with no specific plan in mind, unlike some of my group members who have a set mileage goal for the day. It’s refreshing to have the freedom to hike at my own pace and simply go with the flow. Being alone on the trail allows me to reconnect with nature and myself, a stark contrast to the constant presence of fellow hikers.

Embracing Different Trail Experiences

Reflecting on my journey so far, I appreciate the diverse experiences the trail has offered me. From hiking solo for the first thousand miles to now sharing the trail with others, each phase has its unique charm. I have enjoyed both solitude and companionship, savoring every moment of this adventure.

Challenges and Rewards of the Trail

As I navigate the trail, I encounter various challenges such as rocky terrains and limited water sources. Despite these obstacles, the breathtaking views and the sense of accomplishment make every step worthwhile. Each day brings new surprises and tests my resilience, shaping me into a stronger hiker.

Meeting Trail Friends and Taking Breaks

Interactions with fellow hikers, like Mighty Mouse, add a social dimension to my journey. Sharing stories and laughter at camp create lasting memories. Taking breaks in towns like Palmerton provides much-needed rest, delicious food, and the opportunity to recharge before hitting the trail again.

Appreciating the Simple Joys

From enjoying a well-deserved pizza and ice cream treat to trying out new adventures like spotting each other on playground equipment, I find joy in the little things along the way. These moments of spontaneity and laughter are what make the trail experience truly unforgettable.

Recharging and Resuming the Journey

After a relaxing break in town, including a zero day to unwind and reconnect with my friends, I am ready to resume my hiking and vlogging adventure. Taking time off from recording allows me to appreciate the present moment and refuel my passion for sharing my experiences with you all.


As I continue my trek along the trail, I am filled with gratitude for the challenges, friendships, and moments of joy that each day brings. The trail has a way of testing my limits and expanding my horizons, making every step forward a meaningful part of this incredible journey.

Related Questions

1. How does hiking solo compare to hiking with a group on the trail?
– Hiking solo allows for solitude and self-reflection, while hiking with a group offers companionship and shared experiences.

2. What are some challenges faced while hiking, and how do you overcome them?
– Challenges like rocky terrains and limited water sources test my resilience, but the breathtaking views and sense of accomplishment keep me motivated.

3. How do breaks in towns like Palmerton contribute to your overall hiking experience?
– Breaks in towns provide rest, delicious food, and the chance to recharge before continuing the journey, adding a refreshing break to the trail routine.

4. What role do trail friends play in your hiking adventure?
– Trail friends, like Mighty Mouse, bring a social aspect to the journey, creating lasting memories through shared stories and laughter at camp.

5. How do you balance documenting your journey through vlogging with taking time for yourself?
– Taking breaks from recording allows me to appreciate the present moment, recharge my creativity, and maintain a healthy balance between sharing my experiences and enjoying them.

By Sidney