Dandelion Jelly  Useful Knowledge


Hey there! Are you ready to learn how to make homemade dandelion jelly? Jamie here, and I’m excited to share my process with you. From picking dandelions to creating a beautiful golden jelly, I’ll guide you through each step of the way. So, let’s dive in!

Picking Dandelions

First things first, you’ll need to gather about half a gallon of dandelion flowers. It may take some time to separate the yellow petals from the green parts, but trust me, it’s worth the effort. Removing the bitter green parts will enhance the flavor of your jelly.

Making Dandelion Tea

After separating the petals, it’s time to make dandelion tea. Boil the petals in water for a couple of hours, then strain the liquid through cheesecloth. This tea will be the base of your jelly, so make sure you end up with around four cups of it.

Preparing the Jelly Ingredients

To make the jelly, you’ll need dandelion tea, sugar, pectin (such as Sure Gel), and lemon juice. Boil the tea with lemon juice and pectin, then add sugar and continue cooking until it reaches a full rolling boil. Be cautious of foaming and ensure it doesn’t boil over.

Canning the Jelly

Once your jelly mixture is ready, it’s time to fill sterilized jars quickly. Wipe the jar rims, seal them with lids, and tighten the bands. Invert the jars for five minutes before turning them back upright. Allow the jars to cool overnight, and listen for the satisfying “ping” sound of sealed jars.

Tasting the Jelly

The next morning, check your jars for proper sealing. The jelly should have a perfect golden color and a well-set gel consistency. Enjoy your homemade dandelion jelly on toast or with your favorite treats!

Have you ever tried making homemade jelly before? What’s your favorite jelly flavor?

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