Pole Barn Construction Part 3 Pole Barn Roof and Gables  Useful Knowledge


Hey there! Today, I want to share with you a journey through the process of building a barn. Join me as we explore the steps taken to construct this structure, from laying the foundation to completing the metalwork. Along the way, I’ll provide insights and tips based on my personal experience as a photographer who loves to travel. Let’s dive in!

Setting Up the Roof

I’ve been busy working on this barn project, and despite the challenges of weather disruptions from recent hurricanes, progress is being made. One key aspect I’ve focused on is ensuring the roof is structurally sound and straight. As I work on installing the metal roof panels, I incorporate a temporary brace to prevent the metal from sliding off during the process. This simple yet effective technique allows for better control and adjustability while working at heights.

Securing the Metal Roof Panels

When it comes to attaching the metal roof panels, I opt to place screws in the valley rather than on the rib. This method has proven successful for me in the past, with no reported leaks on a previous barn I constructed using the same approach. The crucial point here is to be mindful of not overtightening the screws, as it could compromise the rubber grommet seal. By following this recommended practice, I ensure a watertight finish for the roof.

Progress and Final Touches

With the roof in place, attention shifts to completing the gable ends of the barn. Working at heights, I set up scaffolding for safety and precision. Cutting the metal to match the pitch of the rafters requires careful measurements and the use of appropriate tools. As the final metalwork is completed, including the installation of trim pieces, the barn begins to take shape, showcasing a blend of functionality and aesthetics.

Finishing Touches and Barn Floor

To prepare the barn for its intended use, I fill the floor with gravel, providing a sturdy and practical surface for storing equipment and vehicles. The choice of gravel size and placement considerations are essential factors in creating a functional barn space. With all the metalwork and finishing touches in place, the barn is ready to serve its purpose as a versatile storage and shelter structure.


In conclusion, building a barn involves a series of meticulous steps, from setting up the roof to completing the metalwork and adding final touches. Each stage requires attention to detail and a practical approach to ensure the structure is durable and functional. By sharing my journey through this barn construction project, I hope to inspire and inform others embarking on similar endeavors. Thank you for joining me on this adventure!

**Related Questions:**

1. How important is it to use a temporary brace when installing metal roof panels?

*Using a temporary brace when installing metal roof panels is crucial to prevent the metal from sliding off during the process. It provides stability and control, making the installation smoother and safer.*

2. Why is it recommended to place screws in the valley of the metal roof panels?

*Placing screws in the valley of the metal roof panels, rather than on the rib, is a recommended practice to ensure a watertight finish. This method, when done correctly, helps prevent leaks and maintains the integrity of the roof.*

3. What measures are taken to ensure safety and precision when working on the gable ends of the barn?

*Setting up scaffolding and carefully measuring and cutting the metal to match the pitch of the rafters are essential safety and precision measures when working on the gable ends of the barn. These steps help achieve a professional and structurally sound finish.*

4. How does the choice of gravel size impact the functionality of the barn floor?

*The choice of gravel size for the barn floor, such as using a smaller size like 67 gravel, plays a role in creating a stable and practical surface. This size of gravel works well for supporting heavy equipment and vehicles, making it suitable for a barn environment.*

5. What is the significance of completing the metalwork and finishing touches in the barn construction process?

*Completing the metalwork and adding finishing touches to the barn not only enhances its visual appeal but also contributes to its functionality and durability. These final steps ensure that the barn is ready to serve its intended purpose effectively.*

By Sidney